Welcome to e-Recruit | The Best Online Recruitment Application
e-Recruit is a web based software application for shortlisting and selecting applicants who best suit your organization.
Shortlist your Applicants Automatically
You can create questions and correct
answers for each your job posts with E-Recruit. Then applicant has to go through
the questions and submit the applications for your created job vacancy. Then
system will automatically identify the candidate and shortlist in to categories
according to the answers which applicant has provided when applying to your
vacancy.Once you login to your company profile,
all the applicants will be shortlisted and you can find them with their details
and uploaded resumes in one screen.
Reject or Invite Applicants Immediately with Group Emails
E-Recruit has a inbuilt email sender
and it always send important email notifications to relevant parties. Once you
login to your company profile, you can see the applicants in a categorized view.
You can invite them, reject them or send a custom message with one click.
Also you will not meet with any missing
applications with E-Recruit.
Conduct your First Interview
E-Recruit is great opportunity to have
your first interview. You can create required questions and correct answers with
E-recruit and publish your job application. Then applicants are going through
your own questions and answering them that you can conduct the first interview
and select the required supreme applicants to the next levels of interviews. This saves your time and cost for your
first interview also the candidates can face to your first interview just
sitting at home.
Filter Unsuitable Applicants
E-Recruit always filters the relevant
applicants by categorizing and shortlisting them. You can avoid going through
all the applicants and checking them one by one because E-Recruit does it
according to the question criteria you provide for each job. Still your unsuitable applicants are in the E-recruit in Red
Category. You can change the category or move them away to any shortlisting
category and organize your applicants list in a convenient way
Now you can
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before registering in E-Recruit
Benifits for your organization
• Avoid having to screen all applications received for a job vacancy
• Avoid having to receive applications from those who do not suit your organization.
• Potential applicants can directly forward their CV through e-Recruit system.
• Create your own selection criteria to shortlist unnecessary applications.
• Receive only those applications that meet with actual job requirement.
• View all job applications in one view.
• Send auto generated notice calling for interviews.
• Send courtesy letter to all rejected applicants in one click.
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